A 40 something Singaporean

Life and living in Singapore!

Observations and commentaries of Singapore!

A son of Singapore!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Another Week.. another Dollar!

My goodness, it's Friday already this week! Thanks entirely to the Chinese New Year superlong weekend! Yaayhaayyy.. Althought short, it has been a good week at work.

This morning's meeting went great, everyone's up to speed and my staff is ready to take over the followup. Issues were dealt with and decisions made. I think the guys are adjusting to my style and workflow. Fingers crossed this will stay on track. Timeline for deliverables are tight but manageable. Just need to keep cracking on one person in the team! Why must there always be that one joker?

Just staying back a little to copy some files to work on at home and to blog on this.... Article in the week's papers on cyberloafing is relevant. But hey, who here has'nt surfed over to check on emails, read forums and online papers! Heck I am blogging now, although techically speaking, I knocked off half an hour ago.... but.... if employers want to get you....

Weekend's gonna be good, am going to Changi Point for dinner with the family. Guess we all earned it for a good week. Hmmmm... can taste the ghoulash already! ANDDDDD... there's gonna be a seafood dinner on Sunday night! Yum... !

ON the exercise front however, things are not going so great. Pigged out toooooo much over the CNY period, stuffing my face with cookies, sugared drinks but SURPRISINGLY... no booze! Showing up on the tummy... YIKES! But have been a saint enough to reject all lunch offers and head to the gym every afternoon. BUT boy does my body tell me when it is 'angry' with me... Runs have been horrible... only 4.8clicks for 30mins... that's only at about 9.5km/hr... Sh*t! Weight training is back down too, with the arms aching and the reps poor! Guess its payback time! Hehehe...

Well... gonna knock off soon, and will be back with more barbs when I feel riled enough!

1 comment:

Murray said...

Cyberloafing, eh...

One model that is really outmoded is the "you must sit chained to your desk in the office" nonsense. With all-pervasive e-tools, we should be paid on productivity and not hours in the office. Me? My most productive hours are at night away from email and distractions - then I can get work done.

I have a vision - cybercommunities of productive, happy workers connected by wireless, Bluetooth, video-conferencing, whatever. Let's do it in our pajamas...:-)